Seamap Training Courses and Seminars

Please feel free to contact us today with your current training requirements.
Contact Information – UK:
Seamap UK, Ltd.
Unit 34, The Maltings, Charlton Estate
Shepton Mallet
Somerset BA4 5QE
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1749 342223 Phone
+44 (0) 1749 347588 Fax
Contact Information – Singapore:
Seamap Pte Ltd.
51 Changi North Crescent
Singapore 499626
+65 6545 1054 Phone
+65 6545 0585 Fax
Product Training at Seamap
GunLink and BuoyLink are designed to require a minimum amount of operator intervention, but are complex and feature-rich systems. Through full knowledge, clients have found that array performance increases, and spares usage and down-time is decreased. Every time Seamap runs a training course, we not only succeed in filling a crew with confidence, but improve understanding of the entire process. Contact us for more information on both operator and advanced courses held regularly in the UK, and Singapore.
Upcoming Training Dates:
To Be Announced
Download the Training Brochures Below
Training Courses at the UK Office
Training Courses at the Singapore Office