Seamap Accreditation
Seamap recognize the success of our company is directly related to the quality of our employees, our processes and our work environment. We invest time, money, training, mutual respect and a continuous cycle of improvement to ensure all three areas are working together efficiently. Our success is measured and our energy kept finely tuned and focused for the work ahead.
Seamap takes great pride in its reputation for quality, value, service and reliability. Through quality assurance and stringent evaluations we provide our customers with the highest quality of products and services.
Our production facility in Singapore has recently been accredited with the following standards in excellence:
ISO9001 - Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001 is one of the most widely used management tools in the world today. It employs quality management systems throughout the company and effectively deploys best practice methodology. Our quality systems have become the foundation to better customer satisfaction, staff motivation and continual improvement. The scope of the accreditation is vast. An ISO 9001 certified organisation has implemented quality management system requirements for all areas of the business including:
- Facilities
- People
- Training
- Services
- Equipment
ISO14001 - Environmental Management Systems

ISO14001 puts environmental management at the heart of operations to achieve sustainable success. This international standard helps reduce a company’s environmental impact as well as grow business through best practice measures. An ISO 14001 system provides the framework to allow you to meet increasingly high customer expectations of corporate responsibility as well as legal and regulatory requirements.
BIZsafe - Workplace Safety and Health (WSH)

Seamap has adopted best business standards for setting the direction on how safe practices should be implemented, practiced, documented and improved on a continuing basis. The world’s best enterprises believe that investing in WSH makes good business sense. It increases productivity, enhances corporate image and makes a positive statement about the values of the enterprise. Good WSH standards contribute to an enterprise’s competitiveness.
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